- .se
- Att bli vän och samspela med sitt autonoma nervsystem och med ett kemiskt system som talar om läget i respirationen.
- Bältros en gömd/glömd kronisk svår sjukdom?
- Demokrati, kooperationen och folkrörelserna i Sverige .. tillbaka till framtiden?
- En osund livsstil hos ungdomar förkortar livet visar stor studie av tvillingar
- Från 1997: Hypnos, Limbiska-Spatiala beteenden, pendeln, ”järnarm” … att aktivt använda autopiloten t.ex. vid rehab egenvård
- Kan liten tuva (Maxillaris ”snuva”) …
- Kanske dags se hur misslyckanden inom skolmedicinen kan utan stora problem paradigmatisk/praktiskt omformas
- Konsten att utveckla kronisk biopsykosocial stress inklusive stress “addiction”
- Mix
- Om att följa John – skurk eller ej?
- Översikt jmf läkemedel och IPBMs metodik och teknologi inom hypertension
- Ser människan evolutionen (även av vår hjärna) upp och ner? Att medvetet påverka en del icke-medvetna systemfunktioner
- The patient who helplessly submitted OR the patient who was in demand as a reasonably competently trained resource?
- Underhållning till döds Neal Postman och mer …
- About us
- Clinical focuses
- 20% of sick leave is stress-related, but there are no good treatment method in Sweden – and more ..
- A pilot study initiates measure and analyzing critical neurotransmittor interactive functions in elderly, comparing individuals´ data with health status … enabling personalization of self-care, if needed
- Can successful treatment of symptoms without knowing dysfunctional causes be destructive by covering/hiding a dysfunctional further development with fatal consequences?
- Livsstilsmedicin+ Folkrörelserna i optimal samverkan: En revolution för folkhälsan?
- Reconsolidation of memories – Nader et al – inspiring to effective clinical work with very complex PTSD
- Still my (gradually refined) 40 years developed clinical Psychophysiological Behavioral Approach
- StressoGraphy
- Virtuell Bio(logisk)feedback
- What does evidence refer to?
- Complex diseases
- Biopsychosocial-cultural-political stress
- Cardiovascular dysfunctions
- Hypertension – i multifaceted huge problem from many perspective
- InflammAging
- När hälsovården misslyckats kan man kanske rättigheten till dödshjälp i Sverige ändras och mindre självmord sker?
- Needed multifaceted medicine development for understanding complex, unexpected, chronic bacterial and/or viral infections, e.g. in progressive chronic diseases
- NonTubercle Mycobacterium
- OCD – a reversed perspective based on the evolution of human brain opening for a complete quite other paradigm/approach for diagnosis and interventions
- Severe Tinnitus Syndrome
- Silent Killer
- TMJ/D – Temporomandibular Joint/Disorders – a complex dysfunctional hub?
- Foundation
- InnovativM2
- A not traditional perspective on evolution of individual´s believe systems
- Endocannabinoids and the endocannabinoid system
- Evolutional perspective on placebo-nocebo
- GABA and more …
- Can GABA get increased effectiveness via Diazepam?
- Even more about GABA
- Physiology and Pharmacology of GABAA receptors: The Brakes in the Brain – dissertation from Lund University
- The evolution, the discovery and Meta studies of GABA
- Urgent needed medical/psychological evolution of a revolutionary important basic systems …
- Integration of (some) different cultural medicine with the western medicine!
- Magnetic therapy
- Pajala Porridge/gröten – something for all of us?
- Some Thought on Evolution of Home Sapiens´ dual code information processing ..
- TAO and Quantum and more
- Issues
- A psychophysiological behavioral medicine method to change automatic behavior memory clusters
- Are we making decisive mistakes in health care, without realizing it?
- Arousal, Locus Coeruleus, REM-sleep, RAS ..? Definition and applications mostly of clinical concern
- Co-existence of biological and cultural evolution: Conditions and Effects of Norm Internalization
- Confirmation Bias, perhaps one of the most important basic processes for personality development … especially in problem solving and grow with the task ..
- Humans and AI: Who manages the position of power best for the survival of the planet?
- Integration of street and book smart – here out of an evolutionary perspective for effective information processing and developed by problem-solving development and growing with the task
- Is Evolution a prerequisite for Collective Sciousness?
- Omöjligt svåra frågor som måste ställas – Impossibly difficult questions that need to be asked!
- Overview cf. Drugs and IPBM: Hypertension
- Placebo and Nocebo, something to reckon with – or just try to eliminate as is usually done now?
- Quantum medicine vs reductionistic medicine …
- Safe place
- Science and real world, focus on human lifestyle medicine aspects
- The endocannabinoid system: A misunderstood central systems now begin to be understood in medicine of central importance ….
- Viktigt att känna till är vårt eget endocannabinoid systemet = extremt viktigt, men som inte mäts och som kan ha stora konsekvenser som vi inte tidigare anat!
- Women have been woefully neglected’: does medical science have a gender problem?
- Project
- QuantumMed
- Hard questions on Space-Time Continuum on interplay between spatial and verbal code in humans – crucial for a functional psychological paradigm
- More Quantum Medicine 2024 ->
- Qm links to work on …
- Restarting – Quantum Medicine
- Welcome to Quantum Medicine (old material)
- A possible quantum perspective on Nicola Tesla´s thinking …
- Aristotle and the Foundation of Quantum Mechanic
- Newton-Maxwell-Einstein-Tesla ..
- Notes
- Placebo Strategies and Occam´s Razor – more or less – including Quantum Behaviors?
- Quantum, critical processes in evolution from the beginning?
- To SEE or not to SEE makes a diference?
- Välkommen
- Welcome
- WS
- .se
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