TAO and Quantum and more

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Yin Yang                                            Quantum physics symbol, science, education icon
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What is TAO?
«The Tao (or Dao) is hard to define but is sometimes understood as the way of the universe. Taoism teaches that all living creatures ought to live in a state of harmony with the universe, and the energy found in it. Ch’i, or qi, is the energy present in and guiding everything in the universe.” https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/taoism/
“The primary concept of Taoism is the Tao, meaning ”path” or Way. The Tao has three aspects: the Way of Reality, the Way of Nature, and the Way of Human Life. Taoists believe that the primary goal of life is to align one’s self with the Tao”

BvS-> I try to combine TAO and Quantum behaviors within a psychophysiological behavioral medicine paradigm. This means that there will be a modification of TAO but it will host some of the most (by me judged) characteristics no other philosophical or religious thinking represent specifically (!)

A great problem is to keep the unique basics of TAO, but to adjust many tusende years of TAO incorporating some extremely new knowledge is difficult, but some particular Quantum behaviors may facilitate but still we need to include extremely important new knowledge and its consequences e.g ”internalization” (from minus 9 month to gradually elderly all the way though individuals´ life), which I am working with!  I will do all I can do to keep the uniqueness of TAO left. No easy task! ,,, mor text about this will come here ASAP


My special recommended is
1. ”The Complete System for Self-Healing. INTERNATINAL EXERCISES” (1986) (Svensk översättning: ”Boken om de inre övningarna. Bota dig själv till kropp och själ” (1990) by/av Dr Stephen T. Chang. Especially for medicine – prevention and self-treatment of unhealth… with both theoretical and practical exercises – really very complete! But you ned to take time! Something we need (both for understanding but also in general) in western world (my opinion), where I try to use Psychophysiological Behavioral Medicine  to integrate some behavioral parts with western parts, especially psychophysiological laboratory measurements in terms of ”TO SEE MAKES A DIFFERENCE” where ”see” means observed while understanding!
2. ”The Tao of Pooh” 1982 (svensk översättning ”Tao enligt Puh” 1992
by/av Benjamin Hoff. You need to read it all to understand the summary/synopsis!
3. ”Taoism; The Way of Mystic” 1972 (svensk översättning Taoismen; en introduction”)
by/av Jean C Cooper. A engaging but also critical manuscript

See also integration (my now quite old way) about Eastern and Western medicine


For specifically about Quantum … see also https://www.boaim2.se/qm/ and sub pages


Some links to elaborate

Quantum Tao

” Quantum Tao offers a unique approach to connectivity in our fast-paced and hyperconnected world. By connecting with our natural instincts and the community we can enhance our personal leadership and fulfillment. It’s important to recognize that we don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

The path to fulfillment is unique to each individual, but by working on our physical, mental, and spiritual bodies simultaneously, we can create a more balanced and harmonious existence.

Why it works: The interlocking principles of Tao serve as the unifying core, providing a framework for self actualization. By living in accordance with these principles, we become adaptable and anti-fragile.

BvS-> (hypothesis) Difference between verbal and spatial code (Chines) may make priority for Limbic spatial behaviors at many/all levels – or at least its dominance over verbal (also named by some) rational wester code. This may (!!!) influence quantum dependent coherence efficacy and as a consequence e.g. enzymatic/catalysts is not hamper/prevented with any kind of degree of decoherence not enabling Quantum Tunneling, which is needed for its direct (mitochondria efficacy) and indirect functioning of all energy dependents life systems.

Lins to elaborate
quantum and tao – Sök på Google


Revisiting ’The Tao of Physics’ – Asia Times

Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science, but man needs both. – Fritjof Capra

In 1975, the American physicist Fitjof Capra published the first edition of his best-selling book The Tao of Physics. Capra described the parallels between the ancient Chinese notion of Tao and the subatomic world of particles revealed by quantum physics.

Capra’s book opened the door to both quantum physics and Eastern mysticism for millions of people. His book also raised awareness of the fact that quantum-physics pioneers like Bohr, Schrodinger and Heisenberg were fascinated by Eastern spiritual traditions.

But Capra was also criticized by members of the quantum-physics community. Some argued that Capra used vague accidental similarities of language to show deeper connections between quantum physics and Eastern mystical thought.

Others complained that Capra had neglected the latest developments in quantum physics, the convoluted debate about the standard atomic model and Einstein’s Relativity Theory.

Despite decades of intense efforts, the two models have resisted integration. Fortunately, the Tao is easier to understand than quantum physics.


Tao and magnetism

The Chinese view of Creation gives us a first clue. The ancient sages said: “When the yin and the yang, initially united, separated forever, the mountains poured forth water.” Water pouring from a mountain is a manifestation of “Tao in operation.”

Some 3,000 years ago, the anonymous author(s) of the I Ching concluded that the universe is based on a binary structure that consists of mutually complementary opposites: dark and light, negative and positive, attraction and repulsion, Heaven (the universe) and Earth.

The sages codified the cosmic binaries with a broken line for yin and an unbroken line for yang. They next created the Eight Trigrams, representing eight binary “gradations” of yin and yang, one pure yin, one pure yang, and six combinations that are either predominantly yin or yang.


The Tao of Quantum Management | SpringerLink

(PDF) The Tao of Quantum Management

The Quantum Nonce of TAO – J K Schneider – Pocket | Akademibokhandeln
