Hypertension – i multifaceted huge problem from many perspective

Let start with the hard problem out oof the paradigm I represent! NB I focus on those who decide how it should be treated not a particular clinician (and do not discus exercise physicians on prescription here)

High blood pressure = medication = of course? NO!
Drafts (dyslexia based) for views … want to be clear but not unnecessarily provocative (individual clinician but well for the power elite in medicine who decide (independent of the pharmaceutical industry I assume – nowadays)

Introduction: After about 35 years of clinical work with many different dysfunctions (from PTSD, torture victims to cardiovascular dysfunctions, mostly high and low blood pressure and many psychological problems ALWAYS with the patient in the psychophysiological lab measuring the usual autonomic nervous system (ANS) parameters (and its pattern oscillation via Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia – not really arrhythmia but normal. natural rhythm, i.e. Respiratory Sinus Rhythm where the relationship between ANS ”interaction”) but also e.g. oxycapnometry … since I AND the patient (who are all invited to group training – see ”the patient as a reasonably competent (by us) trained resource and co-worker ”see https://culturalmedicine.se/health-in-complex-world/hela-not-just-for-medicine-consideration/), SEE wants to see together the effects of ”what we do” in individually tailoring the tools in our biopsychosocial toolbox BUT also initial so-called psychophysiological stress profile analysis that forms the starting point. Everything we currently know is explained to patients in practical useful strategies and its knowledge base.

When it comes to blood pressure, which we focus on here, we are well aware that there is a high correlation between skin temperature (capillary behavior and the influence of sympathetic alpha receptors) and systolic blood pressure from extensive randomized study (see below, but then only systolic blood pressure variations …

Blood pressure is the expression of (few to very) many systems’ behaviors and is rarely in itself a ”disease”, but can become chronic/long-term if it is not addressed without medication (or medication such as temporary swimming pad when learning to uniquely personally manage one’s own blood pressure.

Measuring blood pressure 1-2 times at a healthcare facility and then prescribing medication without a thorough investigation is totally wrong (understand everyone who has not received the wrong training). See e.g. below but also https://biopsychosocialmedicine.com/clinical-data-2/normalize-blood-pressure-in-one-session/ BUT NOTE that it is rare to learn how to master your blood pressure during a visit!!! Instead, it often takes a long time, given you really want to learn how to tailor and are motivated to carry out daily frequent training. Something that you often need help with, where also the group education is often motivating and develops cooperation between different patients – at will!

-> Now to the concentrated text

(Hypertension, HT) Blood pressure behavior varies between and within individuals over situations and time, provided that drugs do not prevent normal flexibility!
This means that ”really thorough” investigations of relevance are critically important and extremely to hypothesis diagnosis before any drug is prescribed as ”simdyna”, given that you know behavioral methods – manual ”the patient as reasonably competently trained in a group (by us or similar methods) resource and co-workers in their own rehab” see below link as type example https://culturalmedicine.se/health-in-complex-world/hela-not-just-for-medicine-consideration/

Starting criteria for investigations must be fundamentally revised. Measuring the circadian pressure (where the importance of each patient’s pain during stasis must be investigated, otherwise we will see data from a patient with stasis pain! This must be supplemented in several ways, given that you take the time to do an adequate examination that the patient is really served by and not the pharmaceutical companies, even if it probably reduces the profit significantly (my 40 year, successful method is not used as far as I know in Sweden, would like to be wrong here). When NO relevant investigation takes place, the winner is NOT hypertension patients including their suffering and the economy, but the pharmacology! Thus successful for pharmacology (and patients can be quickly ”removed”) and its promoters, as well as no change in dysfunctional underlying systems or even deterioration (which may not be seen in elevated blood pressure or drug depressed blood pressure).

Why I haven’t published traditionally the method I’ve used for many years successfully? Studies show that you read almost only the scientific journals that agree with your own paradigm/education/….

An additional reason that I have prioritized other investigation and treatment problems.

Back to HT.

Group training is crucial where you get to discuss each other’s experiences, get simple effective information and measure pressure under different conditions (baseline, tell your stress problems, ”safe place” if you have or learn Limbic Spatial visualize, use your best relaxation methods (if none, learn and train, be as passive aware as you can etc. preferably suggestions from the participants)
We then see that in most people (NB drugs can hinder flexibility) the blood pressure varies below. See picture from published study where I discuss EMMA, as an example.

Eng-EMMA blodtryck 120 Pf

Compare the mean value of systolic blood pressure (SBT) above with the below skin temperature/finger temperature (high correlation with SBT discussed elsewhere) where we measure 1/100 degree difference, which allows the patient to test their ability to control/influence their FT (and thus probably also blood pressure without stasis SBT measurement pain)

FT in 4 conditions where stress x 2and rel x 2 – only 4 conditions then swon

In my 40 clinical years, I have only once seen a patient not affect synthetic blood pressure and here there was extremely complex PTSD in the ”background” that prompted other interventions. Also.
Essential high blood pressure is ”treated” with medication without ”knowing” its cause. This can ”darken” real dysfunctions that can be exacerbated because you are likely to ”treat” it on a chance-like basis. In addition, this is often done without a proper investigation. What do you say as a patient or clinician about this? Is that ok? Is it the patient at the center? Or prophets and profiteers?’

More to come—-

Summary: Too high, inflexible/static or too low blood pressure is usually not a disease in itself, but negative expressions/manifestations of other destructive factors that we often do not see, usually lifestyle-related where changes require not only knowledge but also motivated, often long-term (preferably lifelong) gradual change to constructive behavior – often decisive for many modern health problems. BUT you either need self-discipline (and not just do what others do on media/realities if it’s destructive.

Working preventively is for most lifestyle-related factors/dysfunctions/diseases (also e.g. ADHD, crime…). The problem in ”health care devices” is often naivety where we do not realize that internalization from an early age (-9 months) creates a superior Limbic attitude/value memory-construct platform that the individual himself can hardly realize and if it does – change – then the environment’s demands often prevent. Therefore, we should start with the parents-to-be and their subcultural environment, which often plays a crucial role. alternatively, it doesn’t care – and everything in between these extremes!


A little more older material to meditate on?

2012 – from hypertension material

In short; The pressure in the vessels depends on the
(Compare below with spraying water in a hose – the same principle but perhaps a little more demanding to get the pressure under control)

Their behavior, diameter and elasticity – many drugs increase the diameter (e.g. ACE inhibitors such as Enalapril Stada) as stress normally contracts e.g. the capillaries BUT we do it better WITHOUT side effects via cStress FT assisted breathing training with hypnosis supplements on the breathing cycles INDIVIDUAL-based which drug is NOT/does – and which of the methods gives side effects?
The beating force and speed of the blood pump (heart) – often (strangely) payment blockers (such as Bisoprool) are still used BUT we regulate it better with the same method above WITHOUT side effects via cStress FT assisted breathing training with hypnosis supplement on the breathing cycles INDIVIDUAL-based which drug is NOT/does – and which of the methods gives side effects?
The content and consistency of the blood – regulates drugs (e.g. statins*) statically NOT individually adapted – which we make safer ourselves via diet, exercise, and the above individualized breathing method WITHOUT side effects via cStress FT assisted breathing training with hypnosis supplement on the breathing cycles INDIVIDUAL-based which drug is NOT/does – and which of the methods gives side effects?
* Instead of statins, https://www.hjart-lungfonden.se/halsa/riskfaktorer/hogt-kolesterol/behandling-hogt-kolesterol/#:~:text=Nyttig%20och%20n%C3%A4ringsrik%20kost,-Gr%C3%B6nsaker%20och%20frukt&text=Matiga%20gr%C3%B6nsaker%20som%20rotfrukter%20och,halten%20LDL%2Dkolesterol%20i%20blodet.

2022-08-13 Please also note that medicines are NOT based on individualized investigation but read FASS – we base ourselves on dynamic, individualized investigation where clear dysfunctions (as above) are seen and explained and via education and tailored under supervision – if necessary!

Adding above to red text 2022-08-13