Why combine Quantum Biology/Medicine with TAO and Chi Kung

First I will refer to “1. ”The Complete System for Self-Healing. INTERNATINAL EXERCISES” (1986) (Svensk översättning: ”Boken om de inre övningarna. Bota dig själv till kropp och själ” (1990) by/av Dr Stephen T. Chang)

Parts of my understanding of TAO in the form of Chi Kung is my platform for an integration of parts of Chinese and Western Medicine paradigms where Quantum tunneling play a decisive role in the healthy/functional catalytic/enzymatic behaviors in general and in mitochondria specifically – using Psychophysiological Behavioral Medicine as an integrating paradigm and platform.” https://www.boaim2.se/innovativm2/tao-and-quantum-and-more/tao-quantum-psychophysiological-behavioral-medicine-projects/

But WHY quantum medicine and old cultures individualized health tools?
My brief answer is clinical. Catalysts/enzymes are critical for all (or most) processes. Extremely small enzymatic dysfunctions may have more or less, but always influence health development. This we have understood for many years before we began to understand quantum physics at all, before the quantum physics started … also, probably all evolution of life is dependent on functional ”quantum behaviors”, which means that probably all cultures during thousands of years have developed health promoting behaviors where quantum played a decisive role … so the start of human understanding quantum behaviors is very new and still very limited understood BUT it has existed since at least the start of evolution of life or even very loooong before … which may be humble respecting other cultures medicine development during thousands of years … we miss very much in the western medicine not to consider and investigate old culture with ”new eyes” … why? While the development of very effective methods do not need detailed knowledge (as also some examples in Western Medicine) to find effective solutions of complex, not understood, medical dysfunctions developed in other cultures thousands of years ago, especially as often the whole individual is ”the taget”.

Chi Kung
Means “energy” and”work”, here how do we facilitate energy production – and this is manly via Mitochondra behaviors.


Mitochondria and Quantum tunneling
Medical hypothesis: Neurodegenerative diseases arise from oxidative damage to electron tunneling proteins in mitochondria
“Mitochondria translate between the quantum and macroscopic worlds and utilize quantum tunneling of electrons to reduce activation energy barriers to electron flow. Electron tunneling has been extensively characterized in Complex I of the electron transport chain.”

Fig. 1. above
Quantum tunneling of electrons. Shown are electrons (small red spheres) with equal kinetic energy E traveling from Left (−) to Right (+) and passing through barriers of equal height (thus equal energy, V) but decreasing thickness (a). As barrier thickness decreases, probability of electrons “tunneling” through energy barrier increases, shown by increasing number of electrons that tunnel through the barrier. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) Fig. 1. Quantum tunneling of electrons. Shown are electrons (small red spheres) with equal kinetic energy E traveling from Left (−) to Right (+) and passing through barriers of equal height (thus equal energy, V) but decreasing thickness (a). As barrier thickness decreases, probability of electrons “tunneling” through energy barrier increases, shown by increasing number of electrons that tunnel through the barrier. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Abstract – Mitochondria likely arose from serial endosymbiosis by early eukaryotic cells and control electron flow to molecular oxygen to facilitate energy transformation. Mitochondria translate between the quantum and macroscopic worlds and utilize quantum tunneling of electrons to reduce activation energy barriers to electron flow. Electron tunneling has been extensively characterized in Complex I of the electron transport chain. Age-related increases in oxidative damage to these electron tunneling systems may account for decreased energy storage found in aged and neurodegenerative disease tissues, such as those from sufferers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD). This hypothesis is testable. If correct, this hypothesis supports pre-symptomatic, mitochondrially-directed oxygen free radical scavenging therapies.


Molecular oxygen is unique for Earth
Molecular oxygen is unique in our solar system to planet Earth [23] and is manufactured from water as a by-product of photosynthesis. Photosynthesizing plants seek reducing equivalents from water in order to synthesize NADPH and engage in synthesis of carbohydrates during their “dark cycle” (technically a misnomer, as plants carry out carbohydrate synthesis during daylight as well) [24]. Photosynthesis, with resulting appearance of molecular oxygen, likely arose as “Nature’s second experiment”, so that energy from our sun’s fusion-generated photons could be used productively during the absence of such photons (the “dark”), which typically consumed half of the circadian cycle. What was needed was a system to produce reducing equivalents for NADPH synthesis, with the result that molecular oxygen (an unwanted waste product) was generated in large amounts. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987719300076

Biologists Discover Unknown Powers in Mighty Mitochondria

The energy-producing organelles called mitochondria do not have a fixed shape. They elongate, shrink, fuse and split throughout a cell’s life, and apparently perform regulatory functions while doing so (see below)
Mitochondria are most famous as sources of metabolic energy. But by splitting and combining, they can also release chemical signals to regulate cell activities, including the generation of neurons.


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Screenshot above

       The quantum mitochondrion and optimal health

“A sufficiently complex set of molecules, if subject to perturbation, will self-organize and show emergent behaviour. If such a system can take on information it will become subject to natural selection. This could explain how self-replicating molecules evolved into life and how intelligence arose. A pivotal step in this evolutionary process was of course the emergence of the eukaryote and the advent of the mitochondrion, which both enhanced energy production per cell and increased the ability to process, store and utilize information. Recent research suggest that from its inception life embraced quantum effects such as ‘tunnelling’ and ‘coherence’ while competition and stressful conditions provided a constant driver for natural selection. We believe that the biphasic adaptive response to stress described by hormesis–a process that captures information to enable adaptability, is central to this whole process. Critically, hormesis could improve mitochondrial quantum efficiency, improving the ATP/ROS ratio, whereas inflammation, which is tightly associated with the aging process, might do the opposite. This all suggests that to achieve optimal health and healthy aging, one has to sufficiently stress the system to ensure peak mitochondrial function, which itself could reflect selection of optimum efficiency at the quantum level.”


The mechanism of mitochondrial dysfunction after CCH. CCH related excitotoxicity induced mPTP formation (A), which leads to calcium overload. Chronic hypoxia inhibits mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, resulting in excessive production of ROS, inhibition of ETC complex and antioxidant enzyme inactivation, eventually oxidative stress (B). Calcium overload and oxidative stress rupture mitochondrial outer membrane (C), trigger the release of pro-apoptotic factors (Cyt C and AIF) (D), which mediate Caspase cascade and DNA fragmentation, respectively, leading to apoptosis/cell death (E). Meanwhile, Bcl-2 family proteins play a key role in regulating the release of anti-apoptotic factors (D). Mitochondrial dysfunction is the key to CCH induced neurovascular injury: endothelial dysfunction, chronic neuroinflammation and myelination impairment.




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